Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Disparate Views of Evolution

Evolutionists cannot understand why so many Americans do not share enthusiasm for their theory. Members of the science profession overwhelmingly support evolution. But public support for evolution in the United States is near the bottom among western nations. Only about 40% of adults accept the theory. Another 40% outright reject it, while roughly 20% are unsure. These figures vary depending on how questions are asked.

Researchers report anywhere from 95% to 99.9% of all scientists accept common descent evolution. Only 4.7% of evolutionary biologists endorse any sort of theism, according to the 2003 Cornell Evolution Project. A survey of members of the National Academy of Sciences revealed 93% to be either atheist or agnostic. Polls differ, but they all reveal a similar picture. In my discussions with Christian friends and Christian authors who support theistic evolution, frequent citations of statistics showing overwhelming support for evolution in the science profession are given. They say this support is a good reason for us to accept it. This is the "appeal to authority" fallacy. Our fervor for investigating supporting and conflicting evidence on our own should be as strong as our enthusiasm for appeal to authority, perhaps even stronger!

Scientists who relentlessly promote evolution view evidence for and against it through lenses which do not permit passage of a theistic option...anywhere, anytime, anyplace. This is true, in part, because (1) they have wedded themselves to a view of science as a totally naturalistic enterprise, and/or (2) a significant number of scientists are atheist or agnostic. We might ask, therefore, if their "findings" are worthy of our acceptance? The conclusions of such scientists are driven by their potent bias and worldview as much as the evidence or lack of evidence. Science is presented as an evidence-based enterprise, but evolutionary scientists seldom speak about the bias and worldview they bring to the table.

In light of 20th and 21st century archaeological and biological discoveries which actually strengthen interpretations of theistic design and intervention, evolutionists claim they are more confident of their paradigm than ever. They claim current and future discoveries will eventually resolve all questions from a naturalistic standpoint. A significant number of Americans find evolutionary claims to be hollow. Evolutionists are not winning this battle. They are slowly losing it, even as they claim victory.