Sunday, February 2, 2025

Moon Truth

 Humanity is fascinated by the Moon and moonlight. We may recall observing the Moon as children and detecting the face of “the Man in the Moon” from its surface features. There are many scriptural references to the Moon by Bible authors who were skilled observers. In our day we still observe the wonders of the Moon from a worship and devotional perspective when we read scripture.

Following are a few descriptive scriptures concerning our lunar companion:

Season marker  (Psalm 104:19)

Ruler of the night  (Genesis 1:16)

Thing of beauty  (Song of Solomon 6:10)

Supplier of glory  (I Corinthians 15:41)

Source of order and power  (Jeremiah 31:35 and 32:17)

Praise giver  (Psalm 148:3)

Splendor provider  (Job 31: 26) 

Study of the cited verses reveals their emphasis on careful observation. These passages were composed centuries prior to the development of modern science. This fact does not signal the Bible is unscientific. Good science depends on accurate observational skills. The Bible does not mention planetary and lunar rotation and revolution or the laws of motion. Scripture however, stresses the order and stability of the world of nature as created by God and praises the majesty and complexity of our physical creation. Modern scientific methods were not codified until centuries after the last verses of the Bible were written. We speak of the Scientific Revolution of the 16th/17th century.  

When the Moon revolves around our earth, our only satellite returns to a generally in line configuration with the Earth and the Sun every 29 1/2 days. During that time interval the Moon travels a few degrees more than one complete revolution in order to bring the Moon, Earth, and Sun to another in line configuration with Earth in the middle. The Moon is then on the dark side of the earth. Earth residents now enjoy “the lesser light to rule the night” (Genesis 1:16). When our calendars state that on a certain date full moon occurs, the Moon is fully illuminated as seen from Earth. A few days before or after full moon the Moon is only partially illuminated.

The following links discuss more detail on moon phases and stages, and how our lunar companion affects our planet in other significant ways:

Scientific discoveries affirm the orderliness of our universe. Jeremiah 33:25 refers to the Creator’s “…covenant with day and night and the fixed order of heaven and earth…” Our Moon is predictable and orderly in its motions and effects. In a future post we will discuss how Planet Earth would be very different without the Moon as our Solar System companion.  

Saturday, January 18, 2025

California Burning

The current California fires are unprecedented. Our prayers are directed to God that He would bestow mercy on the entire state. In commenting about this disaster we desire to be compassionate and respectful notwithstanding cause and effect are top of mind for California residents. Government officials and politicians are inclined to take credit when favorable events occur, but the same officials are vulnerable when events in their jurisdictions deteriorate. People elected to positions of leadership must balance the potential for receiving both honor and dishonor.

In the case of current California fires, commentators have attributed the primary cause to an intense dry spell plaguing the area in the last half of 2024. Los Angeles County received only 0.03” of measured precipitation—less than 1% of the normal rainfall during this time period. A calamitous drought has made vegetation “bone dry.”

The drought has been exacerbated by strong northeast Santa Ana winds. Air over high elevations to the east is funneled to sea level through river valleys. This compresses the air producing higher temperatures and very low humidity. Fires are intensified by extremely low humidity and winds which dry out vegetation. Fires quickly spread by burning embers to surrounding areas by wind gusts. 

Fires can be triggered by lightning, faulty power lines, arsonists, campers, and a variety of other factors. Authorities in California are uncertain about causes of each fire, but there is no uncertainty about their devastating effects. At this writing, twenty-seven residents have perished while many more are missing; thousands of structures have been destroyed.

In early 2024 we posted facts concerning a weather phenomenon which brought heavy rains to the same area of California area now suffering from intense drought. Remarkably, in one calendar year west coast weather systems experienced a virtual reversal. The weather phenomena are termed atmospheric rivers: 

Weather systems are similar to any other system. A system is defined as a group of inter-related, interacting elements forming a complex entity. Weather systems are laden with elements such as temperature, humidity, density, pressure, wind speed, and the presence of a source of ignition such as a spark or a flame. These elements are commonly reported during weather reports and forecasts. 

Humanity is subject to a physical “operating system” established by God, the Creator of All Things. Genesis 1:28 states humanity must exercise dominion over the natural world. Dominion relates to authority over living things, and by extension, “every thing that (God) had made (Gen. 1:31). This includes the planetary “operating system” initially established by God Himself.

We propose that many government leaders have not exercised wise dominion in managing weather-dependent forest and water resources: creating and maintaining fire breaks by clearing dead brush, retaining an adequate supply of water in reservoirs, and thoughtful community planning. Historically, there have been many natural disasters caused by floods, droughts, and wildfires. We repeat our desire to be compassionate to all citizens who suffered loss in California. 

Our Creator has mandated creation care for humanity. This applies not only to people of faith, but also to people who are not aware of the Creator’s mandate to exercise dominion and authority. Believers must continue to pray for our government’s leaders. May God grant them wisdom to manage our natural resources.







Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Unique Planet Earth

 The purpose of our current post is to promote reader interest in a fascinating topic—the uniqueness of our physical home in the universe. In one sense, every planet in the universe is unique—one of a kind. Unique can mean unparalleled or without equal. No two planets are identical in every respect. Unique, more generally, connotes unusual or special. Our planet is certainly unusual and special to a high degree. If Earth is the only location in our vast universe where life exists, we may assign the adjective “unique” to our planetary home. 

We mention a small number of life supporting conditions on our unique planet in this article. Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere provide physical conditions which, taken together, provide a unique site for life—human life in particular. Science journalists usually describe only a small fraction of the many physical conditions necessary for the existence of life.

Many of the billions of planets in our universe have an atmosphere. Most atmospheric gas mixtures are not life-friendly. In our Solar System, Earth is the only planet to have an abundant supply of life-friendly oxygen and nitrogen. The chemical properties of these two gases are subjects for detailed study. The atmosphere of Venus, next closest planet to the sun, sometimes called Earth’s twin, has an atmosphere of 96% carbon dioxide. Its atmosphere is nearly 100 times as dense as our planet. Its surface temperature is blazing hot. Not only would Venus’s atmospheric density crush our bodies, but we would be quickly baked by temperatures hot enough to melt lead. Venus is Earth’s twin only in its similarity in size and mass.

Planet Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Its atmosphere is composed of exceedingly thin carbon dioxide. Not only would we suffer from frostbite (or worse) on its surface, but humans would need a pressurized space suit with a temperature conditioning system able to provide adequate water and oxygen, as well as the capability of removing exhaled CO2 and other products of metabolism. Mars is the only planet humans realistically contemplate visiting in person in future years. Elon Musk has produced incredible reusable rockets through his SpaceX technology company. Musk contemplates a manned Mars visit sooner than most people imagine! 

The tiny, nearly airless planet Mercury with its extreme hot or cold surface temperatures is not a worthwhile venue for a manned visit.

Planet Earth is ideally located in the planetary “habitable” zone. Primarily, the habitable zone for planets is a location where much of the water remains liquid instead of solid or vapor. The habitable zone is not too hot and not too cold and does not possess other fatal environmental hazards.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are clearly outside the habitable zone. They are gas giants or ice giants, not rocky planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Rocky (terrestrial) planets have layers: crust, mantle and core. As a rocky planet Earth also possesses plate tectonics, by which crustal plates slide across the planet’s surface. Elements such as carbon are thereby recycled over millions of years. Geoscientists believe Earth is likely the only planet to manifest life-sustaining plate tectonics.

Interactions among Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere are unique to Planet Earth. These interactions provide for the existence of life. So far as we know, life exists on one planet in the universe, notwithstanding ebullient optimism expressed by many science journalists. It is possible a few planets possess life-sustaining conditions but it is not more likely that life exists on those planets. If the scientific principle of abiogenesis—life springing from non-living material—is true, it would lend strength to the belief in naturalistic “molecules to man” evolution. Our position is that life on Earth is a result of fiat creation events originated by a Divine Creator, not the result of naturalistic evolution.

One outstanding biblical creation passage is found in Isaiah 45:18. We quote the verse once more: For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens (he is God!) who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it empty, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the Lord, and there is no other.” (ESV) 


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Rare Earth

 So far as we know Planet Earth is the only place where life exists in our vast universe. Finding life apart from our own solar system would be a monumental discovery. We speak of not only human life, but any sort of life. This includes some of the more than 8+ million separate species of life. Our planet teems with life—all sorts of life—human life created In His Image, and many other forms of life.

We do not assert that life beyond the confines of our Planet Earth is impossible. Our personal belief is that the existence of life on another planet within our Solar System or beyond is highly unlikely because physical conditions on other planets or planetary systems are vastly different than conditions on Planet Earth. Radio signals traveling at the speed of light could not cover even a tiny fraction of the distance across the known universe, estimated to be 92 billion light years by some scientists. Even if we traveled one light year (the distance light travels in one Earth year) we would travel an insignificant distance in our quest to communicate with other life forms in our universe. Likewise, alien life forms are unable to communicate with us via electromagnetic radio signals.

Famous nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi once ventured outside his field of expertise during a scientific conference. He wondered, “Where is everybody?” His scientific colleagues realized he was inquiring about extraterrestrial life. The statement became known as the “Fermi paradox.” Many other scientists have passed judgment on the possibility of alien life:

As young people we may have mused on the possibility of life at other locations in our vast universe. We have commented on this question several times in past posts:

The question concerning life outside our Solar System has been asked even by creationist theologians. If our God is the Creator of All Things, we would expect alien life had its origin in a divine act of fiat creation by the God described in Genesis 1:1-2. This scenario runs counter to evolutionary theory that living creatures could self-assemble naturalistically without any input from the Divine Creator:

Planet Earth has physical conditions unlike any other planet (exoplanet) in our vast universe. Scientists who study this topic are called astrophysicists. Our links discuss just a few topics studied by scientists in this specialized field:

Our planet has major “spheres” of physical characteristics. Three of the spheres are (1) atmosphere (2) hydrosphere, and (3) lithosphere. Each sphere possesses sub-spheres. For example, the atmospheres consists of the troposphere, stratosphere, and several other sub-spheres.

“Earth’s spheres—atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere work together to sustain life. Each sphere plays a distinct yet interconnected role in maintaining the planet’s balance. The interconnection between these spheres support diverse ecosystems and ensure environmental stability. Understanding these interactions provides insight into their importance in sustaining life.” ( 10/24/2024)

As we investigate the exoplanets discovered in our minuscule corner of the Milky Way galaxy, we are struck with the small number of planets existing in the “habitable zones” around their home stars. Planets must exist within a specific temperature range, having an appropriate amount of liquid water pooling on its surface, and a precise proportion of elements and compounds composing its lithosphere. If the educated guess of astrophysicists that roughly 50% of exoplanets are rocky instead of gaseous, we quickly eliminate half of the universe’s planets from habitability. There are thousands of additional physical parameters which, if absent, reduce the chances of planetary habitability to near ZERO.

Does extra-solar life exist? The question is impossible to answer. It is possible, however, to exult in the uniqueness of Planet Earth. Our God created the universe to be inhabited by humanity and more than eight million other species of life: “For this is what the Lord says—he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited—he says: I am the Lord, and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:18 NIV)   

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Does Science Strengthen Faith?

 Our blog deals with the relationship of science and faith. In our modern society many observers believe science and faith are separate domains of truth. Dr. Hugh Ross of the “Reasons to Believe” ministry is an eminent scientist/theologian who believes science affirms the truth of the Christian faith and belief in God as the Creator of All Things. Dr. John Ankerberg has interviewed Dr. Hugh Ross several times. Both men have vigorously supported the concept that science and Christian faith affirm one another. Dr. Ross states, “Science and Christianity intersect rather than contradict each other.” Dr. Ankerberg agrees: “It’s often said that faith and science are incompatible, but as an atheist detective, my investigation of the scientific evidence actually led me to faith.” 

What if some so-called “scientific” discoveries could actually be detrimental to faith? Science is not immune to erroneous interpretation. Examples are scientific errors proposed by geneticists to explain transgenderism and sexual preference. This blog has frequently questioned whether natural selection and mutation are able to drive the process of naturalistic evolution. For many years natural selection and mutation have been stalwarts supporting evolutionary theory. 

Personal theology could also be erroneous. In the field of science we cope with pseudoscience. In our faith experience, we may encounter heresy—sometimes described as false teaching. In both science and faith/theology, we may experience various shades of truth. We sometimes describe “gray” areas where interpretations are variable. Our task is to present the topics of science and faith as unambiguously and accurately as possible. 

When we make a scientific claim, we must justify our claim. Do we base our claim on unsound presuppositions or unsound evidence? If so, our claim must be rejected. Historically there have been scientific claims which later proved false. To illustrate, we cite four scientific claims ultimately proved untrue. (1) In 1992 some scientists claimed they had discovered cold fusion. If true, our world had an almost unlimited supply of cheap energy. (2) In the 19th century phrenologists proposed that shape of the human head and regions of the brain determined human characteristics. (3) In the early 20th century some famous scientists pronounced the universe to be unchanging in size. Later the universe was found to be expanding. (4) In the 19th century scientists believed in spontaneous generation: Living matter was generated spontaneously from inanimate matter. This belief has been refuted. Life is generated from previous life or by a supernatural act of divine fiat creation.

Theological (faith) claims may also be erroneous. These mistaken claims may fall under the category of heresy. Several inaccurate theological belief systems are Docetism, Arianism, and Gnosticism—heresies Christian scholars have battled for centuries. There are many more false theological beliefs.

We have made every effort to cite TRUE scientific and theological principles in our articles. Our Science/Faith blog has been misunderstood by some readers who feel science and faith are separate domains of truth. Properly interpreted, science and sound principles of faith and theology affirm the truth of each other if scientific and theological errors are eliminated from the discussion. This goal is sometimes difficult, but not impossible to achieve.

Our blog posts since 2007 have often dealt with public misunderstanding of the science/faith relationship. We link several past posts on this topic:

James 1:5 is a passage to guide us in a search for truth in the science/faith relationship: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (ESV)         

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Drought Cycles

In the past few months the US has been plagued by droughts and floods. The recent southeastern hurricanes have made us aware of destructive flooding. These flooding events resolve more quickly than droughts, but sometimes result in sudden, tragic death. In contrast, droughts can persist for the short term or long term.

Most of our home state of Iowa was blessed with a growing season of adequate rainfall in the spring and summer of 2024. But after the growing season faded at the close of August, we received less than 0.25 inches of precipitation in the next eight weeks. The U. S. Drought monitor reports that 54.08% of the lower 48 states are experiencing drought at the present time. Drought conditions do not impact every location the same way: Our locality has received 4+ inches of rain since the beginning of November. This region has experienced, therefore, a (1) meteorological drought, now resolved, the least serious of many categories of droughts. More impactful are (2) agricultural droughts resulting in reduced groundwater and reservoir levels, (3) hydrological droughts resulting in serious stream flow deficits, and finally, (4) socioeconomic droughts resulting in negative effects on people’s health, quality of life, and the nation’s economy.

A government agency supplies the “U. S. Drought Monitor” by email each week. This feature supplies information concerning ongoing drought conditions in our country. The site graphically indicates drought levels by color from DO, D1, D2, D3, to D4—none, moderate, severe, extreme, and exceptional.

In researching historic droughts of the 20th and 21st centuries, we discovered three drought episodes, all of which I personally experienced in various ways. In 1940 when I traveled to Oklahoma with my family, my uncles were experiencing the “Dust Bowl” drought. They told of the intense drought and heat of the “Dust Bowl,” a historic time in U. S. History when intense heat baked the plains. The Dust Bowl was exacerbated by the farmers plowing down prairie sod which later was blown away by wind in the intense heat. The events of the Dust Bowl inspired the John Steinbeck novel “The Grapes of Wrath.” Effects of the Dust Bowl extended from 1928 to 1942.

Another drought episode occurred from 1949 to 1957. Still another time metric communicates a drought episode from 1998 to 2014—the early 21st century drought. We recall an intense dry spell in 2012. In order to be considered a drought episode there must be a large geographical area affected along with long time duration. In the physical operating system created by God for Planet Earth, droughts are ubiquitous cyclical events. Understanding the complex interplay of various weather and climate phenomena is a challenging task. Cyclical droughts have been present on Earth for thousands of years. Our Creator has given humanity the ability to manage the effects of drought.

For additional reading, link to the post we submitted in 2012 regarding historic droughts: