Monday, December 10, 2007

Who is the Author?

How did the laws of nature come to be? Who authored them? These questions are related to discussions about the "fine-tuning" of the universe, the constancy of physical laws governing the behavior of matter and energy, and the apparent design in nature. These are topics discussed widely by believers and skeptics alike. The laws which govern our cosmos appear to be changeless. They have operated from the first moments of creation until the present moment.

The speed of light, for instance, is finite (299.793 km/s) and changeless as it travels through the medium of space. Stars which formed at many different distances from us, and in many different time frames, could not have come into existence had the laws of physics, such as the constant speed of light, been variable. Because we know both the speed of light and the distances to far away stars, we can calculate their age with a simple formula. This helps us determine the age of the universe.

There are four fundamental forces in nature which not only have precise values, but are also changeless. These are the (1) electromagnetic, (2) gravitational, (3) strong nuclear, and (4) weak nuclear forces. Even slight variations in any of these forces, or a variation in light speed, would make life impossible. There are many other examples of physical constants which must have precise, changeless value, both in the past and present. Even skeptics and adherents of naturalism who deny the existence of the supernatural sometimes express awe at nature's orderliness and coherence. They enjoy the world of nature. However, they do not express any particular surprise at the precision and constancy of nature's physical laws. Worse, they cry "Unreasonable! Irrational! Illogical!" at those who believe effects have causes, that design points to a designer, or that order and beauty do not evolve from chaos. Who, then, has a better grip on reason, rationality, and logic?

The four fundamental forces permit elements and atoms to exist and hold together, and allow the formation of thousands of chemically bonded compounds. Every bit of matter we encounter every day of our lives holds together because of the existence and precise value of the four fundamental forces. Without these forces there would be nothing but a chaotic sea of particles. Perhaps the Apostle Paul was not a sophisticated scientist, but there was powerful insight in Colossians 1:16-17: For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (NIV)