Friday, July 14, 2023

It's In My Genes

 The statement “It’s in my genes” is sometimes used to rationalize both positive and negative personal traits. Another statement expresses a similar sentiment: “It’s in my DNA.” The topic of genetics is thereby assigned credit for many human physical traits, behaviors and functions. Are unique behavioral traits generally beyond our personal control? These questions have been posed by many behavioral scientists. In the medical profession, some specialists have developed expertise in diagnosing and treating rare genetic diseases. Other medical personnel can explain the genetic basis of diverse hair color, skin pigmentation, blood type, or dominant handedness.

Human genetics is a fascinating topic for study. When we understand human genetic heritage we become aware of God’s creative action described in Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” After God created man, he gifted humanity with the ability to reproduce (Gen. 1:28). He also created all other species with the ability to reproduce.   

In our present day we may cite many citizens who are apparently dissatisfied with their physical genetic heritage. In some cases their responses go far beyond personal grooming presentations of hair color, tanning, body piercing, tattooing, cosmetic surgery, excessive dieting, and even the more extreme and controversial attempts at gender transitioning. In our day societal response to manifestations of personal genetic heritage range along a broad spectrum. The Creator has gifted humanity with free will and degrees of consciousness other life forms do not possess.  

Speaking of personal genetic heritage, the local church where we worship is populated by many young families just embarking upon child rearing. At the close of each Sunday service, the foyer is filled with many young parents with their very young children in tow. Many families in our church congregation have experienced the miracle of new human life. Here is our 2018 post entitled “Life’s Developmental Miracle, linked below:

One cannot observe young families without being aware of the miracle of reproduction and how they are conceived and develop. The miracle of human fetal development and birth gives us cause to worship the God of Creation who has authored life itself. Our planet teems with life. Our universe was created with the existence of human life as God’s ultimate creative goal. The presence of millions of other species on our planet may be regarded as a divine creative bonus. They supply  food for humans, not to mention enjoyment. The post above was the first in a sequence. Here is the second post:

We linked the above post to illustrate that the science of genomics (the study of an organism’s genome—the complete set of DNA-generated material) is a topic for advanced study. The DNA of humans is a complex and wonderful biomolecule, but knowledge of DNA is merely the beginning of the story! Epigenetics extends far beyond our knowledge of DNA. It posits that environmental factors such as diet, temperature, oxygen level, humidity, light cycles, and more harmful environmental factors such as drugs or other chemical substances such as tobacco and opioids, generate negative bodily effects.

Do human genetic characteristics result from our genes and our DNA? In the wisdom of our Creator genes and DNA are created entities in our physical body. In that sense we may pose the truth that the humorous statements “It’s in my genes” or “It’s in my DNA” are evidence of the creative activity of God.

Our Creator has also implanted consciousness in humanity. When we produced the following post, we were exulting in the birth of another grandson whose conscious interactions with his family were developing. We link one more post from 2014:

Life is a miracle. We give thanks to the God of miracles.