Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Earth/Moon System

 Searching through past posts we encounter the term system many times. Examples are body systems such as visual and auditory systems. We have also dealt with wonders of the Solar System. The above-mentioned systems are composed of many sub-systems. Any system or sub-system is defined as “a group of interrelated, interacting components forming a complex entity.” Our physical universe is composed of many complex systems. When we make detailed studies of such systems we reinforce the concept that our universe has many hallmarks of being designed by a divine, intelligent Agent. We observe those hallmarks each day of our lives.

Scientists often describe the characteristics of Earth without reminding us that Earth is intrinsically part of a system—the Earth/Moon System. Our universe contains trillions of lifeless, ordinary planets. No other Solar System planet possesses such a sizable moon in relation to its own size. Planet Earth is special owing to the presence of our large satellite. The presence of our Moon is only one factor making Earth a habitable planet. Most astronomers agree that without the Moon, Earth would not be a habitable planet. Hugh Ross, founder of Reasons to Believe (RTB), produced a volume entitled The Genesis Question in 2001. He discusses (p. 31) how the Moon affects Earth in life-sustaining ways, including crustal iron abundance, tectonics, rotation rate, and vital axis tilt, among other processes. Ross states, “To those who express the desire to see a miracle, we can assure them they are looking at one whenever they gaze up at the Moon.”

There’s general agreement that Planet Earth without its Moon would experience changes in Earth’s climate and other conditions which preclude human life as we know it. Most especially, Earth residents would experience NO seasons. A previous post deals with the effects on humanity of an Earth without seasons. Our message in the post linked below is that Earth without seasons may result in undesirable health outcomes for humanity. In contrast, research has revealed that there are many positive outcomes when people experience seasonal changes. We link a past post:


The Bible lists examples of the benefits of seasonal change. Earth’s Moon is responsible for these seasonal changes. The popular scientific hypothesis of a giant impactor, protoplanet Theia, ultimately produced the Moon when it struck Planet Earth eons ago. The Theia impact created Earth’s 23.5 degree axis tilt which is responsible for Earth’s current seasons. Our current Moon stabilizes Earth’s axis tilt. Life-sustaining conditions on Earth result from the season-producing axis tilt of our home planet. 

Most astrophysicists subscribe to the hypothesis of a giant impactor—an example of a divine transformational miracle. God has performed many transformational miracles when He created our life-sustaining Earth/Moon System. Hugh Ross has published his ideas concerning different types of miracles, including the transformational miracle of the giant impactor which produced Earth’s Moon:


Geophysicists have produced lengthy treatises on many Moon related phenomena within our Earth/Moon system. Ocean tides are caused by the force of gravitation between Earth and Moon. Earth’s oceans are gravitationally drawn toward the Moon. The solid Earth is drawn away from Earth’s ocean water on the opposite side of the Earth. Each of the bodies revolves around a barycenter—the center of mass of two or more objects. Over many eons the Moon has been responsible for reducing the speed of rotation of the Earth because of the friction of tidal “bulges” as the planet rotates through them. A slower rotating Earth produces ideal daytime illumination appropriate for agricultural productivity and human comfort. We observe the Creator’s power in the things we perceive within our Earth/Moon System:

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made…(Romans 1:20 ESV)