Friday, September 27, 2024

Dual Views of Life's Origin

 When we address the topic of Origin of Life, readers most often assume we are speaking about the deep history of life on this planet. Historically, how did life begin? And when did life begin? Did life on Earth originate by naturalistic evolution? Or did life on this planet appear as an act of fiat creation as described in divine Scripture?

Several of our recent posts have discussed naturalistic evolution in contrast to divine creation. These two concepts are diametrically opposite. Some of the most enlivening discussions have occurred among science educators who locate themselves on opposite sides of this question. Curricular materials for students are selected according to the publishers’ and educators’ orientation—evolutionist? or creationist?

The current sharp political divide concerning another question, the question of abortion—its legality, ethicality, morality, and acceptance—is not presented or argued on the same evolutionary terms. Life’s origin, however, is an interconnected issue. For example, the question is framed to enhance the emotional impact of issues such as a woman’s bodily freedom, reproductive rights, privacy rights, and freedom to choose. These concepts are somewhat nebulous but always framed in the most positive terms by advocates of legal abortion. Advocates of abortion work to end life in the womb. The abortion issue is one of the tragedies of our day.

We reproduce nine past posts re-submitted while the  Supreme Court was reconsidering the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision in 2022. When life appeared during Planet Earth’s deep history, we were not privy to the precise methods God used to create life. In the 21st century, however, we are gifted by detailed knowledge of the discipline of developmental biology. What is the mission of developmental biologists? They discover the cellular, molecular, and genetic mechanisms controlling embryonic development. Following are links to several 2014 posts:  

EMERGENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: The development of a mature human consciousness is only one of the miracles of human development in the first year of life from conception to infancy.

CONCEPTION TO CONSCIOUSNESS: Denial that the developing entity within the womb is fully human and deserves protection from the moment of conception to the moment of birth and beyond has become a paramount collective sin staining our nation.

BODY BUILDING BLUEPRINT: Knowledge of the fundamental component of living things—the cell—has exploded. This includes knowledge of genetics and the fundamental secrets of heredity possessed by the incredible DNA molecule.

PRENATAL SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY: The union of a male sperm and female ovum is classic modern knowledge. This union forms the human zygote, a single diploid cell containing two sets of chromosomes—one set from each parent.

LET THE BUILDING BEGIN: The 8-9 day period following conception precedes implantation of the embryo into the mother’s uterine wall. These are important days of preparation for the actual body building project to follow…..The mother is host to the embryo during the 8-9 days prior to implantation.

EMBRYO TO FETUS: In humans, the child is termed an embryo up until eight weeks. The event sequence of the first few weeks of pregnancy is fascinating almost beyond imagination. The mysteries of embryology still puzzle scientists.


PLOTTING PRENATAL PROGRESS: The astonishing beginning and subsequent development of the human embryo and its transition to the category of fetus at roughly eight weeks is known to medical scientists in stunning detail.

IMAGERIES OF BUILDING: Quality building materials must be selected. Construction materials must be utilized at the proper time and place and in the appropriate manner…..Applying this imagery to human reproduction, the foundation of an embryo, its transition to a fetus and finally, the arrival of the birth of a child are events which are coordinated precisely by the Creator.

MYSTERY OF REPRODUCTION: A Highlight of the Genesis account is the creation of man…..In Chapter One, the initial mention of the vast array of the creation of life forms concludes with, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them.” 

The Book of Psalms contains a familiar devotional passage we may characterize as the “developmental biology passage.” It is found in Psalm 139.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance…” (Psalm 139:13-16a ESV)